Giá: 8.000.000vnđ

Mosaic hồ bơi
Giá: 420.000vnđ

Bơm nhiệt nóng - lạnh
Giá: 45.000.000vnđ

Emaux - S Series
Giá: 6.500.000vnđ

Emaux - V Series
Giá: 3.500.000vnđ

Máy bơm Hồ bơi 2HP
Giá: 14.000.000vnđ
Điện phân muối tạo Clo
Salt chlorination is a method of sanitizing swimming pools with chlorine generated by electrolysis. The electrolysis is achieved by passing the saltwater solution through a weak electric charge in an electrolytic cell, which converts sodium chloride (salt) in the water into chlorine gas. The gas is dissolved in the water and becomes sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine).
Giá: 8.000.000vnđ
Giá: 420.000vnđ
Giá: 45.000.000vnđ
Giá: 6.500.000vnđ
Giá: 3.500.000vnđ
Giá: 14.000.000vnđ